
App projects are suitable for web servers, scripts and CLI. We can also create them with uv init --package:

$ uv init --package myapp
tree mypack -a
$ uv init --app myapp
$  tree myapp -a
├── .git
│   └── ...
├── .gitignore
├── .python-version
├── pyproject.toml
└── src
    └── myapp


I strongly believe that a Python application should be properly packaged to enjoy the many benefits, such as

  • source management with importlib

  • executable scripts with project.scripts instead of attached scripts folders

  • the benefits of src layout with a common, documented and well understood structure.


The pyproject.toml file contains a scripts entry point myapp:main:

myapp = "myapp:main"

The module defines a CLI function main():

def main() -> None:
    print("Hello from myapp!")

It can be called up with uv run:

$ uv run mypack
Hello from myapp!

Alternatively, you can also build a virtual environment and then call main() from Python:

$  uv add --dev .
Resolved 1 package in 1ms
Audited in 0.01ms
$ uv run python
>>> import myapp
>>> myapp.main()
Hello from myapp!
uv.lock file

With uv add --dev . the uv.lock file was also created alongside the pyproject.toml file. uv.lock is a cross-platform lock file that records the packages that are to be installed across all possible Python features such as operating system, architecture and Python version.

Unlike pyproject.toml, which specifies the general requirements of your project, uv.lock contains the exact resolved versions that are installed in the project environment. This file should be checked into the Git version control system to enable consistent and reproducible installations on different computers.

version = 1
requires-python = ">=3.13"

name = "myapp"
version = "0.1.0"
source = { editable = "." }


dev = [{ name = "myapp", editable = "." }]

uv.lock is a human-readable TOML file, but is managed by uv and should not be edited manually.


If uv is to be integrated into other tools or workflows, you can export the content to the requirements file format using uv export --format requirements-txt > CONSTRAINTS.TXT. Conversely, the CONSTRAINTS.TXT file created can then be used with uv pip install or other tools.

Reproducing the Python environment

In production environments, you should always use exactly the versions that have been tested. You can use uv sync --locked in your environment to ensure that the uv.lock file matches the project metadata. Otherwise an error message will be displayed.

You can then use uv sync --frozen in the production environment to ensure that the versions of uv.lock are used as the source of truth, but if the uv.lock file is missing in the production environment, uv sync --frozen will terminate with an error. Finally, changes to dependencies in the pyproject.toml file are ignored if they are not yet written to the uv.lock file.

If you want to use uv run in a productive environment, the --no-sync option prevents the environment from being updated.

Updating the Python environment

By default, uv favours the locked versions of the packages when executing uv sync and uv lock. Package versions are only changed if the dependency conditions of the project exclude the previous, locked version.

With uv lock --upgrade you can upgrade all packages and with uv lock --upgrade-package PACKAGE==VERSION you can upgrade individual packages to a specific version.


You can also use the pre-commit framework to regularly update your uv.lock file:

- repo:
  rev: 0.5.21
    - id: uv-lock

Restrict platform and Python versions

If your project only supports a limited number of platforms or Python versions, you can do this in the pyprojects.toml file PEP 508 compliant, for example to restrict your project to macOS and Linux only you can add the following section in your pyproject.toml file:

environments = [
    "sys_platform == 'darwin'",
    "sys_platform == 'linux'",