

Underline the title with punctuation marks

Change the punctuation mark for subtitles


A paragraph consists of one or more lines of non-indented text, separated from the material above and below by blank lines.

A paragraph consists of one or more lines of non-indented text, separated
from the material above and below by blank lines.

Inline markup#

Italic, bold and preformatted

*Italic*, **bold** and ``preformatted``


.. image:: uml/activity-diagram.svg

Other semantic markup#

File listing#




Numbered lists#

  1. First

  2. Second

  3. Third

#. First
#. Second
#. Third

Unnumbered lists#

  • Each entry in a list begins with an Asterisk (*).

  • List items can be displayed for multiple lines as long as the list items remain indented.

* Each entry in a list begins with an Asterisk (``*``).
* List items can be displayed for multiple lines as long as the list items
  remain indented.

Definition lists#


Definition of the term

Different term

…and its definition

    Definition of the term
Different term
    …and its definition

Nested lists#

  • Lists can also be nested

    • and contain subitems

* Lists can also be nested

  * and contain subitems

Literal blocks#

«Block quotation marks look like paragraphs, but are indented with one or more spaces.»

«Block quotation marks look like paragraphs, but are indented with one
or more spaces.»

Line blocks#

Because of the pipe character, this becomes one line.
And this will be another line.
| Because of the pipe character, this becomes one line.
| And this will be another line.

Code blocks#

Blocks of code are introduced and indented with a colon:

import docutils
print help(docutils)
>>> print 'But doctests start with ">>>" and don’t need to be indented.'
Blocks of code are introduced and indented with a colon::

    import docutils
    print help(docutils)

>>> print 'But doctests start with ">>>" and don’t need to be indented.'

See also

Code blocks


Column heading

Column heading

Column heading

Column heading

body row 1, column 1

body row 1, column 2

body row 1, column 3

body row 1, column 4

body row 2, column 1

body row 2, column 2

body row 2, column 3, colspan 2

body row 3, column 1

body row 3, column 2

body row 3, column 3, rowspan 2

body row 4, column 4

body row 5, column 1

body row 5, column 2

body row 5, column 4

| Column heading | Column heading | Column heading | Column heading |
| body row 1,    | body row 1,    | body row 1,    | body row 1,    |
| column 1       | column 2       | column 3       | column 4       |
| body row 2,    | body row 2,    | body row 2,                     |
| column 1       | column 2       | column 3,  colspan 2            |
| body row 3,    | body row 3,    | body row 3,    | body row 4,    |
| column 1       | column 2       | column 3,      | column 4       |
+----------------+----------------+ rowspan 2      +----------------+
| body row 5,    | body row 5,    |                | body row 5,    |
| column 1       | column 2       |                | column 4       |


.. A comment block begins with two points and can be indented further