Adding more Python libraries#

Although Python’ „Batteries included“ philosophy means that you can already do a lot with the default installation of Python, there will inevitably come a situation where you need functionality that is not included in Python. This section gives an overview of the options available to you.

If you are lucky, you will find the extra functionality you need in a package for your operating system – with a Windows or macOS executable installer, or a package for your Linux distribution.

This is one of the easiest ways to add a library to your Python installation, as the installer or your package manager will take care of all the details to correctly add the module to your system. In general, however, such pre-built packages are not the norm for Python software.

Installing Python libraries with pip and venv#

If you need a third-party module that is not pre-built for your platform, you will have to turn to its source distribution. However, this brings two problems:

  1. To install the source distribution, you need to find and download it.

  2. Certain Python paths and permissions on your system are expected.

Python offers pip as a current solution to both problems. pip tries to find the module in the Python Package Index (PyPI), downloads it and all dependencies, and takes care of the installation. The basic syntax of pip is quite simple: for example, to install the popular requests library from the command line, all you have to do is the following:

$ python3.8 -m pip install requests

If you want to specify a particular version of a package, you can simply append the version numbers:

$ python3.8 -m pip install requests==2.28.1


$ python3.8 -m pip install requests>=2.28.0

Installing with the --user option#

Often, however, you will not be able or willing to install a Python package in the main Python instance. Maybe you need a more recent version of a library, but another application still needs an older version. Or maybe you don’t have sufficient administrator rights to change the system’s default Python. In such cases, one possibility is to install the library with the --user flag: this installs the library in the home directory, where it can then only be used by you:

$ python3.8 -m pip install --user requests

Virtual environments#

However, there is an even better option if you want to avoid installing libraries in the Python system. This option is called a virtual environment virtualenv). It is a self-contained directory structure that contains both an installation of Python and the additional packages. Because the entire Python environment is contained in the virtual environment, the libraries and modules installed there cannot collide with those in the main system or in other virtual environments, so different applications can use different versions of Python and its packages. Creating and using a virtual environment is a two-step process:

  1. First we create the environment:

    $ python3 -m venv myenv
    > python -m venv myenv

    This creates the environment with Python and pip in a directory called myenv.

  2. You can then activate this environment so that the next time you call python, it will use the Python from your new environment:

    $ source myenv/bin/activate
    > myenv\Scripts\activate.bat
  3. You can then install Python packages for this virtual environment only:

    (myenv) $ python -m pip install requests
    (myenv) > python.exe -m pip install requests
  4. If you want to finish your work on this project, you can deactivate the virtual environment again with

    (myenv) $ deactivate
    (myenv) > deactivate


The Python Package Index (PyPI) is the standard package index, but by no means the only repository for Python code. You can access it directly at and search for packages or filter the packages by category.