
Basic function definitions#

The basic syntax for a Python function definition is

def function_name(param1, param2, ...):

As with control streams, Python uses indentation to separate the function from the function definition. The following simple example inserts the code into a function so that you can call it to get the factorial of a number:

1 >>> def fact(n):
2 ...     """Return the factorial of the given number."""
3 ...     f = 1
4 ...     while n > 0:
5 ...         f = f * n
6 ...         n = n - 1
7 ...     return f
Line 2

This is an optional documentation string, or docstring. You can get its value by calling fact.__doc__. The purpose of docstrings is to describe the behaviour of a function and the parameters it takes, while comments are to document internal information about how the code works. Docstrings are Strings that immediately follow the first line of a function definition and are usually enclosed in triple quotes to allow for multi-line descriptions. For multi-line documentation strings, it is common to give a summary of the function on the first line, follow this summary with an empty line and end with the rest of the information.

Line 7

The value is returned after the function is called. You can also write functions that have no return statement and return None, and when return arg is executed, the value arg is returned.

Although all Python functions return values, it is up to you how the return value of a function is used:

1 >>> fact(3)
2 6
3 >>> x = fact(3)
4 >>> x
5 6
Line 1

The return value is not linked to a variable.

Line 2

The value of the fact function is only output in the interpreter.

Line 3

The return value is linked to the variable x.


Python offers flexible mechanisms for passing arguments to functions:

 1>>> x, y = 2, 3
 2>>> def func1(u, v, w):
 3...     value = u + 2*v + w**2
 4...     if value > 0:
 5...         return u + 2*v + w**2
 6...     else:
 7...         return 0
 9>>> func1(x, y, 2)
11>>> func1(x, w=y, v=2)
13>>> def func2(u, v=1, w=1):
14...     return u + 4 * v + w ** 2
16>>> func2(5, w=6)
18>>> def func3(u, v=1, w=1, *tup):
19...     print((u, v, w) + tup)
21>>> func3(7)
22(7, 1, 1)
23>>> func3(1,2,3,4,5)
24(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
25>>> def func4(u, v=1, w=1, **kwargs):
26...     print(u, v, w, kwargs)
28>>> func4(1, 2, s=4, t=5, w=3)
291 2 3 {'s': 4, 't': 5}
Line 2

Functions are defined with the def statement.

Line 5

The return statement is used by a function to return a value. This value can be of any type. If no return statement is found, the value None is returned by Python.

Line 11

Function arguments can be entered either by position or by name (keyword). z and y are specified by name in our example.

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Function parameters can be defined with default values that will be used if a function call omits them.

Line 18

A special parameter can be defined that combines all additional positional arguments in a function call into one tuple.

Zeile 25

Similarly, a special parameter can be defined that summarises all additional keyword arguments in a function call in a dictionary.