
A minimal CookieCutter template looks like this:

├── {{ cookiecutter.project_name }}/  <--- Project template
│   └── …
└── cookiecutter.json                 <--- Prompts & default values

For jsonexample, the file cookiecutter.json can look like this:

  "full_name": "Veit Schiele",
  "email": "veit@example.org",
  "github_username": "veit",
  "project_name": "vsc.example",
  "project_slug": "{{ cookiecutter.project_name.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') }}",
  "namespace": "{{ cookiecutter.project_slug.split('.')[0] }}",
  "package_name": "{{ cookiecutter.project_slug.split('.')[1] }}",
  "project_short_description": "Python Namespace Package contains all you need to create a Python namespace package.",
  "pypi_username": "veit",
  "use_pytest": "y",
  "command_line_interface": ["Click", "No command-line interface"],
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "create_author_file": "y",
  "license": ["MIT license", "BSD license", "ISC license", "Apache Software License 2.0", "GNU General Public License v3", "Not open source"]

In addition, any number of directories and files can be created.

As a result you will get the following file structure:

my.package/                            <--- Value corresponding to what you enter
│                                          at the project_name prompt

└── …                                 <--- Files corresponding to those in your
                                           {{ cookiecutter.project_name }}/ directory