
tox is an automation tool that works similarly to a CI tool, but can be run both locally and in conjunction with other CI tools on a server.

In the following, we will set up tox for our Items application so that it helps us with local testing. We will then set up testing using GitHub Actions.

Introduction to tox#

tox is a command line tool that allows you to run your complete test suite in different environments. We will use tox to test the Items project in multiple Python versions, but tox is not limited to Python versions only. You can use it to test with different dependency configurations and different configurations for different operating systems. tox uses project information from the or pyproject.toml file for the package under test to create an installable distribution of your package. It searches the tox.ini file for a list of environments and then performs the following steps for each:

  1. creates a virtual environment,

  2. installs some dependencies with pip,

  3. build your package,

  4. install your package with pip,

  5. run further tests.

After all environments have been tested, tox outputs a summary of the results.


Although tox is used by many projects, there are alternatives that fulfil similar functions. Two alternatives to tox are nox and invoke.

Setting up tox#

Until now, we had the items code in a src/ directory and the tests in tests/api/ and tests/cli/. Now we will add a tox.ini file so that the structure looks like this:

  ├── …
  ├── pyproject.toml
  ├── src
  │   └── items
  │       └── …
  ├── tests
  │   ├── api
  │   │   ├──
  │   │   ├──
  │   │   └── test_….py
  │   └── cli
  │       ├──
  │       ├──
  │       └── test_….py
  └── tox.ini

This is a typical layout for many projects. Let’s take a look at a simple tox.ini file in the Items project:

envlist = py311
isolated_build = True

deps =
commands = pytest

In the [tox] section, we have defined envlist = py311. This is a shortcut that tells tox to run our tests with Python version 3.11. We will be adding more Python versions shortly, but using one version helps to understand the flow of tox.

Also note the line isolated_build = True: This is required for all packages configured with pyproject.toml. However, for all projects configured with that use the setuptools library, this line can be omitted.

In the [testenv] section, pytest and faker are listed as dependencies under deps. So tox knows that we need these two tools for testing. If you wish, you can also specify which version should be used, for example pytest>=6.0. Finally, commands instruct tox to execute pytest in every environment.

Executing tox#

Before you can run tox, you must ensure that you have installed it:

$ python3 -m venv .
$ . bin/acitvate
$ python -m pip install tox
C:> python -m venv .
C:> Scripts\activate
C:> python -m pip install tox

To run tox, simply start tox:

$ tox
.pkg: _optional_hooks> python /PATH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
.pkg: get_requires_for_build_sdist> python PATH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
.pkg: build_sdist> python PATH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
py311: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps PATH/TO/items/.tox/.tmp/package/14/items-0.1.0.tar.gz
py311: commands[0]> pytest
============================= test session starts ==============================
configfile: pyproject.toml
testpaths: tests
plugins: Faker-19.11.0
collected 49 items

tests/api/ ....                                               [  8%]
tests/api/ .                                               [ 10%]
tests/api/ ...                                              [ 16%]
tests/api/ ...                                             [ 22%]
tests/api/ ....                                            [ 30%]
tests/api/ .........                                         [ 48%]
tests/api/ ....                                             [ 57%]
tests/api/ ....                                            [ 65%]
tests/api/ .                                              [ 67%]
tests/cli/ ..                                                 [ 71%]
tests/cli/ ..                                              [ 75%]
tests/cli/ .                                                [ 77%]
tests/cli/ .                                               [ 79%]
tests/cli/ ....                                            [ 87%]
tests/cli/ .                                               [ 89%]
tests/cli/ ..                                                [ 93%]
tests/cli/ .                                                [ 95%]
tests/cli/ .                                               [ 97%]
tests/cli/ .                                              [100%]

============================== 49 passed in 0.08s ==============================
.pkg: _exit> python /PATCH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
  py311: OK (1.48=setup[1.21]+cmd[0.27] seconds)
  congratulations :) (1.51 seconds)

Testing multiple Python versions#

To do this, we extend envlist in the tox.ini file to add further Python versions:

envlist = py38, py39, py310, py311
isolated_build = True
skip_missing_interpreters = True

We will now test Python versions from 3.8 to 3.11. In addition, we have also added the setting skip_missing_interpreters = True so that tox does not fail if one of the listed Python versions is missing on your system. If the value is set to True, tox will run the tests with every available Python version, but will skip versions it doesn’t find without failing. The output is very similar, although I will only highlight the differences in the following illustration:

 $ tox
 py38: skipped because could not find python interpreter with spec(s): py38
 py38: SKIP ⚠ in 2.13 seconds
 py39: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /PATCH/TO/items/.tox/.tmp/package/15/items-0.1.0.tar.gz
 py39: commands[0]> pytest
 ============================= test session starts ==============================
 ============================== 49 passed in 0.16s ==============================
 py39: OK ✔ in 8.08 seconds
 py310: skipped because could not find python interpreter with spec(s): py310
 py310: SKIP ⚠ in 0 seconds
 py311: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /PATH/TO/items/.tox/.tmp/package/16/items-0.1.0.tar.gz
 py311: commands[0]> pytest
 ============================= test session starts ==============================
 ============================== 49 passed in 0.09s ==============================
 .pkg: _exit> python /PYTH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
   py38: SKIP (2.13 seconds)
   py39: OK (8.08=setup[6.92]+cmd[1.16] seconds)
   py310: SKIP (0.00 seconds)
   py311: OK (1.24=setup[0.95]+cmd[0.29] seconds)
   congratulations :) (11.48 seconds)

Running Tox environments in parallel#

In the previous example, the different environments were executed one after the other. It is also possible to run them in parallel with the -p option:

$ tox -p
py38: SKIP ⚠ in 0.02 seconds
py310: SKIP ⚠ in 0.29 seconds
py311: OK ✔ in 1.53 seconds
  py38: SKIP (0.02 seconds)
  py39: OK (2.21=setup[1.88]+cmd[0.33] seconds)
  py310: SKIP (0.29 seconds)
  py311: OK (1.53=setup[1.24]+cmd[0.29] seconds)
  congratulations :) (2.24 seconds)


The output is not abbreviated; this is the full output you will see if everything works.

Add coverage report in tox#

The configuration of coverage reports can easily be added to the tox.ini file. To do this, we need to add pytest-cov to the deps settings so that the pytest-cov plugin is installed in the tox test environments. Including pytest-cov also includes all its dependencies, such as coverage. We then extend commands to pytest --cov=items:

envlist = py38, py39, py310, py311
isolated_build = True
skip_missing_interpreters = True

deps =
commands = pytest --cov=items

When using Coverage with tox, it can sometimes be useful to set up a .coveragerc file to tell Coverage which source code paths should be considered identical:

source =

The items source code is initially located in src/items/ before tox creates the virtual environments and installs items in the environment. It is then located in .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items, for example.

 $ tox -e py311
 py311: commands[0]> pytest --cov=items
 ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.11.5-final-0 ----------
 Name                                                        Stmts   Miss  Cover
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/       3      0   100%
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/           68      1    99%
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/           86      0   100%
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/            23      0   100%
 TOTAL                                                         180      1    99%

 ============================== 49 passed in 0.17s ==============================
   py311: OK (1.85=setup[1.34]+cmd[0.51] seconds)
   congratulations :) (1.89 seconds)


We have used the -e py311 option here to select a specific environment.

Set minimum coverage#

When executing coverage by tox, it also makes sense to define a minimum coverage level in order to recognise any coverage failures. This is achieved with the --cov-fail-under option:

envlist = py38, py39, py310, py311
isolated_build = True
skip_missing_interpreters = True

deps =
commands = pytest --cov=items --cov-fail-under=100

This adds an additional line to the output:

 $ tox -e py311
 ============================= test session starts ==============================
 ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.11.5-final-0 ----------
 Name                                                        Stmts   Miss  Cover
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/       3      0   100%
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/           68      1    99%
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/           86      0   100%
 .tox/py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/items/            23      0   100%
 TOTAL                                                         180      1    99%

 FAIL Required test coverage of 100% not reached. Total coverage: 99.44%

 ============================== 49 passed in 0.16s ==============================
 py311: exit 1 (0.43 seconds) /PATH/TO/items> pytest --cov=items --cov-fail-under=100 pid=58109
 .pkg: _exit> python /PATH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
   py311: FAIL code 1 (1.65=setup[1.22]+cmd[0.43] seconds)
   evaluation failed :( (1.68 seconds)

Passing pytest parameters to tox#

We can also call individual tests with tox by making another change so that parameters can be passed to pytest:

 envlist = py38, py39, py310, py311
 isolated_build = True
 skip_missing_interpreters = True

 deps =
 commands = pytest --cov=items --cov-fail-under=100  {posargs}

To pass arguments to pytest, insert them between the tox arguments and the pytest arguments. In this case, we select test_version tests with the -k keyword option. We also use --no-cov to disable coverage:

 $ tox -e py311 -- -k test_version --no-cov
 py311: commands[0]> pytest --cov=items --cov-fail-under=100 -k test_version --no-cov
 ============================= test session starts ==============================
 configfile: pyproject.toml
 testpaths: tests
 plugins: cov-4.1.0, Faker-19.11.0
 collected 49 items / 47 deselected / 2 selected

 tests/api/ .                                              [ 50%]
 tests/cli/ .                                              [100%]

 ======================= 2 passed, 47 deselected in 0.04s =======================
 .pkg: _exit> python /PATH/TO/items/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True
   py311: OK (1.51=setup[1.25]+cmd[0.26] seconds)
   congratulations :) (1.53 seconds)

tox is not only ideal for the local automation of test processes, but also helps with server-based CI. Let’s continue with the execution of pytest and tox using GitHub actions.

Running tox with GitHub actions#

If your project is hosted on GitHub, you can use GitHub actions to automatically run your tests in different environments. A whole range of environments are available for GitHub actions:

  1. To create a GitHub action in your project, click on Actions ‣ set up a workflow yourself. This usually creates a .github/workflows/main.yml file.

  2. Give this file a more descriptive name. We usually use ci.yml for this.

  3. The prefilled YAML file is not very helpful for our purposes. You can replace the text, for example with:

    name: CI
    on: [push, pull_request]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            python: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Setup Python
            uses: actions/setup-python@v2
              python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
          - name: Install tox and any other packages
            run: python -m pip install tox tox-gh-actions
          - name: Run tox for "${{ matrix.python }}"
            run: python -m tox

    can be any name. It is displayed in the GitHub Actions user interface.

    on: [push, pull_request]

    instructs Actions to run our tests every time we either push code to the repository or a pull request is created. In the case of pull requests, the result of the test run can be viewed in the pull request interface. All results of the GitHub actions can be seen on the GitHub user interface.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    specifies the operating system on which the tests are to be executed. Here the tests only run on Linux, but other operating systems are also available.

    matrix: python: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]

    specifies which Python version is to be executed.


    is a list of steps. The name of each step can be arbitrary and is optional.

    uses: actions/checkout@v2

    is a GitHub actions tool that checks out our repository so that the rest of the workflow can access it.

    uses: actions/setup-python@v2

    is a GitHub actions tool that configures Python and installs it in a build environment.

    with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}

    says that an environment should be created for each of the Python versions listed in matrix.python.

    run: python -m pip install tox tox-gh-actions

    installs tox and simplifies the execution of tox in GitHub actions with tox-gh-actions by providing the environment that tox itself uses as the environment for the tests. However, we still need to adjust our tox.ini file for this, for example:

    python =
        3.8: py38
        3.9: py39
        3.10: py310
        3.11: py311

    This assigns GitHub actions to tox environments.


    • You do not need to specify all variants of your environment. This distinguishes tox-gh-actions from tox -e py.

    • Make sure that the versions in the [gh-actions] section match the available Python versions and, if applicable, those in the GitHub actions for Git pre-commit hooks.

    • Since all tests for a specific Python version are executed one after the other in a container, the advantages of parallel execution are lost.

    run: python -m tox

    executes tox.

  4. You can then click on Start commit. As we want to make further changes before the tests are executed automatically, we select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request and github-actions as the name for the new branch. Finally, you can click on Create pull request.

  5. To switch to the new branch, we go to Code ‣ main ‣ github-actions.

The actions syntax is well documented. A good starting point in the GitHub Actions documentation is the Building and Testing Python page. The documentation also shows you how to run pytest directly without tox and how to extend the matrix to multiple operating systems. As soon as you have set up your *.yml file and uploaded it to your GitHub repository, it will be executed automatically. You can then see the runs in the Actions tab:

Screenshot of the GitHub actions overview

The different Python environments are listed on the left-hand side. If you select one, the results for this environment are displayed, as shown in the following screenshot:

Screenshot of a GitHub actions run for an environment

Display badge#

Now you can add a badge of your CI status to your README.rst file, for example with:

.. image::
   :alt: CI Status

Publish test coverage#

You can publish the test coverage on GitHub, see also Coverage GitHub-Actions.

Extend tox#

tox uses pluggy to customise the default behaviour. Pluggy finds a plugin by searching for an entry point with the name tox, for example in a pyproject.toml file:

my_plugin = "my_plugin.hooks"

To use the plugin, it therefore only needs to be installed in the same environment in which tox is running and it is found via the defined entry point.

A plugin is created by implementing extension points in the form of hooks. For example, the following code snippet would define a new --my CLI:

from tox.config.cli.parser import ToxParser
from tox.plugin import impl

def tox_add_option(parser: ToxParser) -> None:
    parser.add_argument("--my", action="store_true", help="my option")